
conference meeting Coaching is a journey. In many ways it is a paradoxical process that focuses on the little things as well as the big, on the work at hand and the work of the future and the people as well as the business.

Balancing these seemingly disparate needs by staying true to core philosophical guidelines. Adaptive-Talent coaching guidelines:

  • Use questioning techniques that promote reflection and deep learning—not only about leadership behaviors and competencies, but also about relationships and basic assumptions about work/leadership/life.
  • Listen, manage, guide, inspire and help the coachee uncover hidden potential and possibility. Don’t give answers; instead enable the coachee to uncover them for themselves.
  • Push the coachee to excel—to define stretch and challenging goals. Balance self-promotion and the need to make a difference for the business.
  • Encourage the coachee to dream big, imagine the unimaginable, and define challenging plans for transformation. Help the coachee fearlessly confront the way things are and the way they need to be in order to unlock the potential for change.
  • Help the coachee invent the future and capture opportunities—and engage the coachee in building the relationships necessary to make that future a reality.
  • Encourage the coachee to stand in the future they want to create, own it, and identify howto get there.
  • Always do the right thing even when it’s tough to do so--and encourage others to do the same.
  • Build on the coachee strengths, value their expertise, and help the coachee become evenbetter than they are now and make a marked difference to the organization.

The coach’s role in the process is to:

  • Develop the trust necessary for open, candid expression of hopes and concerns. Ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and the person being coached.
  • Establish the coaching agreement: understand what is required in the coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the person being coached about the process and relationship.
  • Be fully present and create a relationship with the person being coached, employing a style that is open, flexible and confident.
  • Encourage the person being coached to take on the tough organizational issues and difficult conversations necessary to achieve business results.
  • Co-create opportunities for ongoing learning and for taking new actions that will most effectively lead to agreed-upon coaching results.
  • Provide objective, clear, concrete feedback relative to progress or lack thereof.

The role of the person being coached (Coachee) is to:

  • Exercise choice – in engaging in the coaching process and in developing a plan in concert with the coach that challenges and stretches you.
  • Maintain openness to feedback from a variety of sources.
  • Be 100% accountable for results—this includes identifying stretch personal and organizational goals and viewing yourself as having the power and potential to achieve those goals.
  • Invest the time and energy necessary to grow from the coaching process—this includes planning with the coach, set goals and review progress, attendance at regularly scheduled coaching sessions (whether virtual or face to face), doing any “self-defined commitments”.

open concept office

Getting the Most out of your coach

Tip # 1 - Use your coach as a resource, not as an answer. 

I have been trained to listen, inspire, educate, manage, and guide you. I initiate conversations, share ideas, make requests, clarify your thinking and support your decisions. I do not choose the answers; you do. I will help you discover them for yourself.

Tip # 2 - Be on time for your sessions. 

It is not an exaggeration to say that you'll probably reach your goals faster if you are on time with me for sessions and fee payment. To be on time for an in-person or phone appointment is to be there (rested, present, and ready to work) EXACTLY at the prearranged time. Use a digital alarm clock if you need to. Life's too short to be late.

Tip # 3 - Lead the session: Know what you want. 

It's your goal and your vision. It's your life. It's your opportunity. So, get what you want out of each session; don't wait for me to initiate. Come to each session with a list of questions, a concern, an opportunity you want advice about and/or a problem you are ready to solve. Now I can help you.

Tip # 4 - Relentlessly get your needs met. 

Needs: like air, water, shelter? Yes, but there are others which, when not met, keep you from expressing your values, reaching your goals and living your vision. Not getting your needs met is not an option.

Tip # 5 – Be honest, in good times and bad. 

I need you to be honest about your actions and what is happening in your life. It's easy when things are going well, but not so easy when you've hit a snag. You can be honest by being human, fully communicating your feelings, by listening to the coaching and getting back in the saddle when you're ready. I need you to be honest, not to try to impress me.

Tip # 6 - Get yourself heard.

Being fully listened to ('gotten’ in coaching lingo) is an integral aspect of coaching. The more you are fully heard, the more you can accomplish. So, make sure I hear all of what you say, even if you can't articulate fully. All we really want in life is to be fully 'gotten'.

Tip # 7 - Under promise, don't over promise.

Sometimes you may find yourself promising too much. I ask that you do not do this. Experience has shown that most clients do better promising less and accomplishing more. Playing catch up to too many promises, or too many people, robs you of energy. Promise little, produce more, and enjoy the surplus.

Tip # 8 - Tell others about being coached.

Having a coach should not be a secret. You may find it empowering to share with others what you are learning and accomplishing with your coach. Remember that you are the lucky one to have a coach to work with. There’s nothing more valuable than having another person fully supporting you to live your dreams